
Weigh? No Weigh! - Shirt Series Part 15

Aug 28th 2015

Your pushing through the last hours of a trip, tearing up the road to make good time on a drop off. You're loaded to the brim, the clock is ticking, and on the horizon, what do you see? The bright digital lights of a weigh station. Now some people would get nervous but not you: The straps are secure, the logs are in order, the load is all accounted for and the axles are balanced. The paycheck is as good as cashed. As you get closer you can make out the bright red letters and a wave of relief washes over you: Scale's Closed. Or, in the words of Allie Knight, "Weigh? No Weigh!"

Our newest shirt in the Allie Knight collection is inspired by one of her favorite expressions and by one of the stops drivers must make on their many travels. Available in both red and blue, the scales of justice sit front in center of the design. As always, you can expect supreme comfort with the material and a tag-less collar to keep things smooth. If you like the design or have a weigh station story to share with us, hit us up on social media with the hashtag #HammerLane.


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